This is Clay and I before the ball this year. I love him so much! Even when he makes me mad.

This is my beautiful son, David. This was at christmas time when he got his new big boy bed. He has slept in it ever night since except for the nights we have not been home. He loves his big boy bed and his Matter pillow.

This is Ramsey. He is a Rott/Chow mix but he is also the sweetest most loveable dog ever. He was given to us by a family who was moving to Japan and unable to take him with us. There are days I want to hurt him because he just doesnt know that he is a big dog, im not sure that he even knows he is a dog i think he may think he is a cat. If we let him he would sit in our laps on the couch and he loves to snuggle in bed but we had to kick him out because he is a bed hog. He doesnt mind David beating on him or pulling his hair and once he has had enough of it he just gets up and goes to another spot or another room.

This is Toby. He is our fat kitty. He is about 17 lbs and he is a lover. He always wants attention and loves to cuddle. He was a barn kitten when I got him from a lady that works with my mom. There were 3 other kittens who did not want me to hold them because they were too interested in playing but Toby let me pick him up and was content to sit in my arms and watch his brothers play.

This is bubba. He is our one eyed cat. He had both eyes when I adopted him but he had an upper respitory infection at that time that caused him to develope a cyst on his eye. The vet did everything he could to save Bubba's eye but we ended up having to remove it. He does just fine with out the eye and only occasionaly runs into stuff. Clay calls him creepy kitty because sometime he will just sit there and stair at you.
Well thats it for now. Thanks for lookin.
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