Well thats it for now. Thanks for lookin.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
I just feel like sharing a few pics with you
Well thats it for now. Thanks for lookin.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Only child Syndrome
Yes, I am an only child and there is something that has been nagging at me since I found out I was pregnant with my second child.
How does it work to have a sibling? How do parents manage to handle more than one child? How does having a sibling change you life?
Ok I always wanted an older sibling but never really a younger one but since that would never happen I substitued my cousin Leah who was three years older than me for that job. But I didnt see her all that often since we lived in neihboring cities and went to different schools. When I got older it always drove me crazy when my friends with siblings would fight with their brother(s) or sister(s) because i just couldnt understand how they could fight like that.
I always said I would never have more than one child since i turned out fine and never really felt I was deprived of anything. I was spoiled by love and had my parents undivided attention. But when I married my husband who has a sister who is 9 years older I agreed to THINK about having more than one. As time went on we agreed on two children but that thought scared the CRAP out of me (and still does). I had an IUD placed when my son was about 2 months old so that we wouldnt have any accidents before we were ready. I wanted to loose some weight so that hopefully I would not have the same complications that I did with David (Gestational Diabetes and Pre Eclampsia) and we wanted to save up a little money for a down payment on a mini van. Well in december I went to the Dietitian at the Naval Hospital here in Beaufort and she asked me when my last period was and I had to think about it because... well gosh I havent had once since around the 6th or so of OCTOBER. So I stopped at the dollar tree on my way home from that appointment and grabbed two tests and took one as soon as i got home but surely it couldnt come out positive because I was using a 99.9% effective form of birth control right? WRONG!!!!! It turned positive instantly so the next morning I took the other one which again was an instant positive. So we got some snacks and a couple of toys for David and headed over to the hospital to have some tests done. The results came back that I was 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant so they did an ultrasound but couldnt see the IUD so they send me for an MRI which also showed no signs of the IUD so it is assumed that it came out on its own and I didnt even notice (they are tiny and really flexable). So I am now 15 weeks into this pregnancy with baby number 2 (Hoping for a Girl!!!).
So back to my quesions. What am I going to do with 2 children. A toddler and a newborn at that? My son is an attention hog and though he will go to sleep at night on his own he still makes you laydown with him while he falls asleep for naps. And now we live in a two story house so how am i going to carry a baby and a toddler up and down the stairs that I have a hard time going up and down on my own (i have bad knees)? David can crawl up on his own but then he takes off in what ever directions he chooses (usually to chase a kitty) but he cant go down yet and I dont think he will be able to go down by then either.
Also if they both have a function on the same day at different places how do you decide who goes to which one? How do you make sure that all toys, food, and any other activities are even? How do you deal with the sibling rivalry?
Would someone please help me?
How does it work to have a sibling? How do parents manage to handle more than one child? How does having a sibling change you life?
Ok I always wanted an older sibling but never really a younger one but since that would never happen I substitued my cousin Leah who was three years older than me for that job. But I didnt see her all that often since we lived in neihboring cities and went to different schools. When I got older it always drove me crazy when my friends with siblings would fight with their brother(s) or sister(s) because i just couldnt understand how they could fight like that.
I always said I would never have more than one child since i turned out fine and never really felt I was deprived of anything. I was spoiled by love and had my parents undivided attention. But when I married my husband who has a sister who is 9 years older I agreed to THINK about having more than one. As time went on we agreed on two children but that thought scared the CRAP out of me (and still does). I had an IUD placed when my son was about 2 months old so that we wouldnt have any accidents before we were ready. I wanted to loose some weight so that hopefully I would not have the same complications that I did with David (Gestational Diabetes and Pre Eclampsia) and we wanted to save up a little money for a down payment on a mini van. Well in december I went to the Dietitian at the Naval Hospital here in Beaufort and she asked me when my last period was and I had to think about it because... well gosh I havent had once since around the 6th or so of OCTOBER. So I stopped at the dollar tree on my way home from that appointment and grabbed two tests and took one as soon as i got home but surely it couldnt come out positive because I was using a 99.9% effective form of birth control right? WRONG!!!!! It turned positive instantly so the next morning I took the other one which again was an instant positive. So we got some snacks and a couple of toys for David and headed over to the hospital to have some tests done. The results came back that I was 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant so they did an ultrasound but couldnt see the IUD so they send me for an MRI which also showed no signs of the IUD so it is assumed that it came out on its own and I didnt even notice (they are tiny and really flexable). So I am now 15 weeks into this pregnancy with baby number 2 (Hoping for a Girl!!!).
So back to my quesions. What am I going to do with 2 children. A toddler and a newborn at that? My son is an attention hog and though he will go to sleep at night on his own he still makes you laydown with him while he falls asleep for naps. And now we live in a two story house so how am i going to carry a baby and a toddler up and down the stairs that I have a hard time going up and down on my own (i have bad knees)? David can crawl up on his own but then he takes off in what ever directions he chooses (usually to chase a kitty) but he cant go down yet and I dont think he will be able to go down by then either.
Also if they both have a function on the same day at different places how do you decide who goes to which one? How do you make sure that all toys, food, and any other activities are even? How do you deal with the sibling rivalry?
Would someone please help me?
Happy birthday Babe!
Today is my wonderful hubby's birthday. He is 24 today. I didnt get to spend much time with him this morning since he left at 6:30 to go to the gym and I deffinatly was NOT ready to wake up yet even though David thought it was time to drink his milk and watch tv while propped up againest mommy (this works out well for me since it lets me sleep a little longer).
I guess I will tell you a little about my husband. His name is Clay and he was born and raised in Valdosta,Ga and joind the Marine Corps right out of high school. He didnt really know what he wanted to do with his life and the Marine Recruter just happend to get to him first. That was 5 1/2 years ago. When we first got married he was going to get out of the Corps once his contract was up but while we were pregnant with David we decided that it would be really hard to trasition back into civilian life with a 9 month old so we he should reenlist and since by the time the next contract was up he would have around 9 years in so why not just keep going until retirement. And once our son was born prematurely and all the bills were taken care of and the medical paperwork was all taken care of for us and his command let him take the time he needed to be with me while I was hospitalized and then with David when he was transfered to the closest NICU 50 miles away in Palms Springs,Ca, We decided that the military life was indeed for us.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
An Introduction
Well I guess an introduction is in order so here we go.
My name is Andrea and I am a 24 year old wife and mommy. I was born and raised in Gainesville,Fl and never wanted to leave but then I met the most wonderful man and I married him after dating him for just over a month. He was already in the Marine Corps and deployed the day after we got married. It was an extreamly fancy wedding that took place in the Judges chaimbers at the Chathum County Court House in Savannah, GA (because Ga doesnt have any waiting period or require any tests that we didnt have time for). Our guess list was insainly large and consisted of my mom and dad. I wore a fancy gown that looked like jeans and a shirt and my groom wore a tux that looked like jeans and a t-shirt.
Shortly after my husbands return to South Carolina from Afghanastan, where he spend the next 6 months, we got orders to move to Twentynine Plams, CA which is also refered to as 29 Stumps and is in the middle of the Mojave desert and the middle of no where but we were just over and hours drive from Palm Springs,CA. We moved Spent two incredibly difficult years there (remember I never wanted to leave Gainesville and moving to South Carolina had already been somewhat tramatic) where we had our first child, a beautiful baby boy who is now 14 months old.
In September we moved back to South Carolina and in December we found out that I am Pregnant with our second child who is due in July but i think it will be closer to June because our first child was a Preeme born at 36 weeks.Well thats it for now but Im sure you will learn a lot more about me as time goes on.
By the way i am new to blogging so please be nice.
My name is Andrea and I am a 24 year old wife and mommy. I was born and raised in Gainesville,Fl and never wanted to leave but then I met the most wonderful man and I married him after dating him for just over a month. He was already in the Marine Corps and deployed the day after we got married. It was an extreamly fancy wedding that took place in the Judges chaimbers at the Chathum County Court House in Savannah, GA (because Ga doesnt have any waiting period or require any tests that we didnt have time for). Our guess list was insainly large and consisted of my mom and dad. I wore a fancy gown that looked like jeans and a shirt and my groom wore a tux that looked like jeans and a t-shirt.
Shortly after my husbands return to South Carolina from Afghanastan, where he spend the next 6 months, we got orders to move to Twentynine Plams, CA which is also refered to as 29 Stumps and is in the middle of the Mojave desert and the middle of no where but we were just over and hours drive from Palm Springs,CA. We moved Spent two incredibly difficult years there (remember I never wanted to leave Gainesville and moving to South Carolina had already been somewhat tramatic) where we had our first child, a beautiful baby boy who is now 14 months old.
In September we moved back to South Carolina and in December we found out that I am Pregnant with our second child who is due in July but i think it will be closer to June because our first child was a Preeme born at 36 weeks.Well thats it for now but Im sure you will learn a lot more about me as time goes on.
By the way i am new to blogging so please be nice.
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