Saturday, May 19, 2012


BzzAgent is a free site that matches products with its members to test and review.  You sign up (yes, its FREE), answer some surveys to see what products would be right for you.  They send you the product free of charge (its a very rare occasion that they ask you to purchase the product and in this case they typically send you a coupon for it) along with some info and ask you to try the product out and tell people about it (including what you don't like) then submit reviews and report conversations.

I haven't been active in about a year but in the past have gotten some cool items to test.  I recently started filling out the surveys again and have been asked to test and "bzz" about Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Insoles.

I have never used any type of insole inserts before and plan on putting these in my gym shoes and see if I can increase my time on the treadmill.  Normally my feet start to hurt after 30 min so lets hope these help.

If you want to join all you have to do is visit and sign up.  Its free, you are not obligated to participate in a campaign  if it doesn't interest you and you do not have to spend any money unless you choose to.  They just ask that you are honest and up front when you talk about the products you are trying and tell anyone you talk to that you are a bzzagent and received the item from them.

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